Well, I'm finally getting around to posting pictures from our big family trip to yellowstone. We had such a great time and not only was it so wonderful to see my family but the scenery was absolutely beautiful. The first couple of nights we stayed in this little log cabin and it was so cute. I had a ball and I think I could have stayed in that cabin all summer. Especially when we could just walk over to mom and dad's for all the food they prepared for us. They sure know how to cook! Rylan had so much fun with grandma and grandpa, and especially aunt Keri. There was a lot of riding in the truck and Keri was the one who kept him entertained pretty much the whole time. Dad kept track and at the end of our trip he said we were in the truck for 1000 miles. Little Rylan hardly cried at all! I couldn't believe it since he usually absolutely hates to ride. Thank goodness for auntie Keri!

We were able to see quite a bit of wildlife while we were there. Mom, Keri, and Seth even got to see a few buffalo a bit closer than they would have liked. But they lived through it and have a story to tell! Luckily, dad and I and Rylan had stayed back or else I would have been a nervous wreck! We saw buffalo, elk, deer, one black bear, a pack of wolves, a few coyotes (sp), and a chipmunk.

And my favorite picture of the trip: