Monday, November 24, 2008


I am terribly sorry to all concerned that 1. I haven't updated the blog in forever, and 2. That it is now Christmas themed even before Thanksgiving! Seth would die if he knew. He is against all Christmas until after Thanksgiving. However, I was so discusted with myself for not updating sooner and the dreary black screen of my previous blog design was totally depressing me so instead of changing it today, and then again at the end of the week, I'm jumping the gun a bit.

This past month has been incredibly busy. I finished working at my job so that has been a bit of a transition for me. I decided that without the responsibility of a job, it would be the perfect time to travel home to Utah to spend some time with family. Traveling alone with a two year old is definately a challenge and unfortunately I tend to get pretty sick on planes when I'm pregnant, so I'm glad I survived that! I wish Seth could have gone with me but he had to be the responsible one. Before you feel too sorry for him though, keep in mind that it is hunting season so I think he was a little relieved that his time was his own to come and go as he pleased without his nagging wife saying, "How long will you be gone? What if you fall asleep in your tree stand? Be sure to take a cell phone! Oh, can you pick up some milk on your way home?". In the end, I missed him a ton and I know he missed us as well. Our little house is not the sweet home it is unless we are all living in it!

Anyway, I didn't take my camera to Utah because Seth was sure he'd need it to document the huge buck he was planning on getting (no luck there) so the only pictures I have are courtesy of Alyssa. I love this one:

It was pretty cold outside this day but there were a few remaining flowers. I told Rylan to smell the flowers and he did! It was so precious and I'm so glad we got this picture of him.

My family just loved spending time with Rylan and he sopped up all the attention he could. Everyone loves the fact that even though he has a lot of my facial features, his body is shaped just like Seth's. He's such a cute little guy. One day my sister Keri teased that maybe this next one will have Seth's face and my body. That could be scary! I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Here is a picture we got of Rylan with an expression on his face JUST LIKE SETH...

Well, now that I'm starting to get back to our "new normal" I'm hoping that I'll be able to update a little more regularly. Especially since this time of year tends to be a picture-taking time, I should have plenty to share. Rylan's birthday is coming up, we're getting our family Christmas pictures taken this weekend, and then the holidays. So stay tuned for some special times...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008