Disclaimer...I acknowledge that it is ridiculous and/or pathetic that the majority of the pictures I am about to post are so overdue that it is laughable (to emphasize my point, let me just tell you that some of these pictures are from April...yes, I know it's October...give me some slack, I've been busy). I am going to lean on the old adage "it's better late than never" to excuse my lack of blog focus this past...year? Anyway, bring on the cute pictures...

I am starting with this one as it is obviously the oldest. It actually doesn't seem like that long ago, but this was taken when Aaden was only about 5 weeks old. Aunt Kiki is quite good and cuddling and loving on my little tykes. I love this picture. I love my sister and this makes me homesick for her. Plus, I'm loving the glasses on her.

Here's one for you. Not only is it sad it has taken so long to post this photo from Jon and Alyssa's wedding...it is actually the ONLY photo I got...of the whole wedding! This is literally IT!!! What was I thinking?!? I suppose I was thinking I'd just get copies of the professional ones, which I'm still planning on doing but of course haven't.

This is another oldie that I couldn't pass up due to cuteness factor. This was Easter morning when the kids were in their sunday duds. You can't really see the cuteness in its entirety as the plaid tie and coordinating belt which are key elements of Rylans ensemble are hidden from view. Just take my word on this one---he was a babe (except for the rugburn received while rough housing with his uncle jon). Oh, my babies looked so cute!

This was a dual effort for grandchildren photos. The hope is continually there that we will someday get all children coordinated, perfect hair & outfit, perfect mood, sitting in the perfect location and smiling for the perfect picture. Although that is never likely to happen, I find the beauty in pictures such as this one. I love how the expressions of each person is very indicative of what is going on inside their minds. This was fun.

Couldn't you just eat these two up! They are so funny to watch. Rylan sort of follows Kayli around like a puppy and doesn't hesitate to let her be boss. They love playing together every chance they get. Rylan is always saying, "We go to Kali's house today?" when I say "no she lives far far away" he says "Oh, OK we go to kayli's house next week". It's actually kind of sad but in a sweet way.
Now for a few more recent pictures! Rylan has really been into helping me cook lately. I really enjoy cooking, especially since I've been staying home. He always asks me if he can help and lately I've been allowing him to help out a little bit more. Yesterday he made no-bake cookies all by himself (really, the only thing I did was measure...he poured, stirred, scooped). He was quite proud. So here is a photo of him wearing his own apron he got from aunt Kiki last year.

Not wanting to be outdone by his older (chef) brother, here is Aaden with a colander on his head.

Lastly, here are some pictures from the annual trip to Kathy's Pumpkin Patch. The day was ideal as far as weather goes. The perfect crisp fall weather you long for when choosing the perfect pumpkin, playing on the farm, and spending the day with the family. Rylan had a lot of fun with all the play things this year. Aaden was a perfect angel, just riding along in his stroller without a peep. The pumpkin patch is going to "transforming" after Halloween to become some kind of Christmas themed place. I can't wait to see what they do. Here are some of my favorites from the 5 billion pictures that were taken that day:

As far as Seth and I go...we are doing pretty well. Seth is still supremely busy with work and school. He's doing really well in school and he will be done in the spring. He's very anxious to have the whole school experience behind him. I, on the other hand, can't seem to get enough school (because I am CRAZY) and so have started a program towards earning my professional doctorate in Audiology. It's already pretty crazy trying to juggle it all but I feel it is what I am supposed to do. So, that updates you on us!