Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So we finally broke down and purchased a small swingset for the backyard. Rylan absolutely loves to go down slides so I wanted to be sure to find something with a little slide attached. It took Seth and I a few hours (and a few choice words) to set everything up and make sure it was plenty safe. Rylan was so excited to get going with it. He really loves it. I'm hoping the excitement doesn't wear off too much throughout the summer so that he'll have plenty of fun days out in the backyard. He likes the swings more than I thought he would, and of course, he's fearless when it comes to the slide.

I love this picture because you can see his long eyelashes...

And here's a sample of what happens on a typical morning in the Tubaugh backyard:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tell me all about it...

Ok, as promised I got a little video of Aaden smiling and talking a little bit. Usually we can get him to talk a bit more but he just wasn't in the mood. But this is still cute.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Finally an Update!

OK, so I know it's been forever since I've updated. I'm really not even sure if anyone checks here anymore! But just in case someone is out there interested, here is an update on our life. I can't believe Aaden is already 2 months! He is such a sweet, good baby and he's smiling and cooing a lot now. I love when babies start to do that. I know we'll really start to discover his little personality soon and I'm so excited!

Today we blessed Aaden in church. Seth did such a great job with the blessing and I was a little worried that he'd cry but he didn't make a peep! I was also worried he wouldn't fit into his outfit but it still just barely fit. Rylan also looked quite fantastic if I do say so myself. We also had the beautiful blanket that Alyssa made for Aaden and it matched his blessing outfit perfectly. Thanks Auntie Alyssa!

Seth's family came down for the blessing and dinner afterwords. It was such a beautiful day here so we ate lunch at the park and the kids all had a ball playing with each other while the adults got a chance to chat and laugh. It was a perfect day.

In the town we live in there is a Civil War Re-enactment every spring. This year we decided to take Rylan to see it all. He was mostly excited about seeing soldiers and horses. Seth was happy about the funnel cake, and I was content with my fresh squeezed lemonade! Aaden just came along for the ride. It was a pretty fun time but I have to say that Rylan's favorite part was playing on the slide right before we left. I really think he could play on a slide all day long.

I love Iowa in the spring. Everything is so beautiful and green, green, green. The only problem is that in order to get that gorgeous green, we get a lot (and I mean a LOT) of heavy rain. Well, we've gotten a lot of flooding this year in our basement. So on the first nice day, Seth was up on the roof doing his much needed gutter work. It's a nasty job, but obviously necessary. It turned out to be pretty fun because while he was working up there, Rylan had a fun time going around and blowing dandelion seeds. I know, I know. I let him blow the seeds despite the fact that we will now need to spray 4 times as much to kill the dandelions. But I can't resist watching a child blowing dandelion seeds. It's the epitome of childhood. Just look how sweet...how could you stop this angel...

Finally, Rylan got his first "bike". He's been asking for one for a while. Finally, I bit the bullet (I can't believe how expensive a plastic trike is!). And he loves it. He specifically requested blue of course. He "helped" Seth put it together, and everyday he asks to ride it. He doesn't understand the peddle part but he gets around just fine, and he'll catch on to that eventually. Now if we could have a few more sunny days, he could ride it a bit more.
Well, I guess that's all the updating I'll do for now. I really want to get a video of Aaden smiling and talking, so perhaps tomorrow I'll be able to pull that off. Be sure to comment if you're reading this so I know there's someone out there that cares!