Well, I think the appropriate amount of time has passed. Here is the official announcement...I'm pregnant! Ok, I realize that the majority of those who check this blog found out within about 24 hours that I took the pregnancy test simply because I took it in Utah and I couldn't hold it in. I didn't get to break the news in person with Rylan so I was determined I would see the faces of my family this time! So for those of you who have been in the dark for the last three months here's the news. My due date is March 9th although the midwife thinks it will be more like the end of February. She also thinks this baby will be bigger than Rylan was (he was 8 1/2 pounds and almost 2 weeks early--yikes). It came as a pretty big surprise to both Seth and I, especially with what we went through with Rylan, so we are of course ecstatic! It's been a little rough physically the last 3 1/2 months but I'm really, really, really hoping things continue to improve. The morning sickness has subsided and the migraines have set in. So there is the info., perhaps more than you care to know! By the way, the above picture is NOT me, I just thought it was funny.
I'm really enjoying your new posts. I'm glad the morning sickness is getting better... sorry about the migraines. Missed you at church today. I'll try to talk to you later.
Yippee!! Congratulations. I'm so happy for you and dying to know what you are having! What wonderful news. Next time you are in UT, you had better call me and we are getting together!!! I miss you!
I knew but I haven't told you guys congratulations yet. Congrats! I'm very excited for you guys. On the topic of life changing events I'm guessing you heard our big news! Look at my blog so you can see the ring! He did good!
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