Rylan has been very interested in learning about Jesus. I know his primary class has sparked his interests and it works out very well because he likes to tell me what he perceived about what was being taught, and then that leads into a discussion where I get to teach him. So, today, there were a lot of "Jesus incidents". So I thought I'd share.
During sacrament meeting, Rylan needed to go potty. So off we went through the quiet halls and into the empty restroom. Right as we walk into the bathroom, Rylan asks: "Mom, is Jesus Here in church with us?" Me: "ummm.... well....you can feel Jesus' spirit while we are here in church, just like you can feel His spirit at our home (sometimes). But if you mean where is Jesus in his body, then I don't really know. I would guess that he is teaching people the things they need to learn." (so maybe I could have come up with a better answer if I had some prep time, but as it was, I just had to do my best. After he stood there pondering what I had said he looked up at me with the sweetest face and asked, "Oh. But do you think Jesus plays hopscotch?"
How dang sweet is that. I picked him up and gave him the biggest squeeze and then told him that I am positive Jesus DOES play hopscoptch.
So we both went to our classes and after church I picked him up from his nursury class. I asked him what he learned about today and he said, "Jesus" and nothing more.
Later that afternoon the whole family took a ride. We were driving along and chatting a little but at a quiet time Rylan wanted to let us know exactly what he learned today in primary. Out of the blue, Rylan pipes up from the back seat and says, "Jesus died on something because there were nails in his feet and fingers- Isn't that sad". He honestly sounded heartbroken. It took a minute to compose myself for that one and Seth didn't want anything to do with it so I just jumped right in and explained the crucifixtion to me 3 year old. And I think it went OK.
The funny thing about both of these instances is that Rylan brought them up on his own when no one was talking about it. He was thinking and processing these things he's learned on his own. I am so proud of him!
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