Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Rylans Montage

Well I finally finished Rylans Montage of his first year. I have it set up at the top of the blog (I'm sure you didn't miss it). It's about 15 minutes long and I think it turned out really sweet. At least I can watch it over and over again! Make sure if you watch it that you turn the music for the blog off at the bottom of your screen. Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Tammi said...

Linds...hey it's Tammi from Moscow! I found you on Kari's blog...what a BEAUTIFUL little boy you have! That's no surprise though. He resembles you so much. You look great too--cute hair! It's been soooo long...how are you? great job on the montage! Drop me a line sometime.