Sunday, July 25, 2010

I remember...

Memory #2
Written July 24, 2010

I remember...when my grandpa Hoskins saved me from a vicious beast.

When I was in kindergarten I would stay the mornings with my grandma and grandpa Hoskins. My kindergarten class met in the afternoons. So after lunch, I would walk the half block to the elementary school. After school, I would either walk home (a half block in the other direction) or head back to grandma and grandpa's house.

One day after school, I was walking to grandma's house. I got about 20 feet away from their house and a little white yipper dog ran up to me and started barking at me.

Now, they say that when you are faced in a situation as dire as this one, your body will institute either a "fight" or "flight" response. I have found this has rarely been the case with me--thus illustrated in this situation.

When that dumb little dog started barking at me, I froze and went completely blank. My little five year old mind could not understand how a person could ever survive a situation such as this.

Luckily, grandpa was out working in his garden. He yelled over at me, "Dolly, just walk right past him, he won't do nothin'". In my terror I stayed frozen. Unable to even verbalize a response. Again, grandpa beckoned me, promising the dog was no threat. Again, I stayed frozen.

Finally, grandpa walked over and picked me up. He carried me to the safety of the house and gave me a Rolaid from his pocket (a common piece of "candy" from grandpa).

I'm sure grandpa never gave a second thought to his small act of heroism that day. However, looking out the window later that day, sucking on my mint flavored Rolaid, I could not help but adore and love my grandpa for saving my life.

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