Thursday, July 29, 2010

I remember...getting a new Easter dress every year

When I was a little girl, my mom made me and my sisters a new dress for Easter every year. My mother is such a good seamstress and every year I looked forward to my new dress.

I was a pretty typical little girl. I loved to wear pretty dresses. I even wore them to school.

But unlike my sisters, I usually also got an Easter Bonnet. I know I’m not wearing one in this picture, but almost every year my mom would get me a bonnet that matched my dress.

I remember we hung the bonnets up in my “corner” of the room (a story for a different night, I promise) and so the wall had a bunch of hats hanging up.

That was so much fun. I’m not sure how old I was when that tradition ended but the memory always makes me smile.

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